Springtime is a great time for a spring clean

Springtime is a great time for a spring clean

Posted by on 6 November 2017

Springtime is a great time to do a major clean up and a bit of reorganising in your child’s bedroom. But, of course, sometimes it’s hard to know where to start. And, if your child is old enough, you might be thinking they should do it themselves! After all, if they’re capable of making the mess, they should be capable of cleaning it! So we’ve created a 10-point checklist to help you (or them!) get through your spring cleaning. #1 Play some music The first thing to do is select some music that y .....

Does hay fever affect your sleep in Spring?

Does hay fever affect your sleep in Spring?

Posted by on 23 October 2017

While most of us love Spring, including the fresh flowers, pretty butterflies and warmer weather, for some people who suffer from hay fever it’s the worst time of the year. Hay fever, or allergic rhinitis, means an allergy that affects the nose. The symptoms are similar to having a cold including sneezing and itching, runny nose, sinus pressure and watery eyes. However unlike a cold, which is caused by a virus, hay fever is caused by a reaction to an allergen. Hay fever often occurs in Spring, a .....

Transitioning your toddler from a cot to a big bed

Transitioning your toddler from a cot to a big bed

Posted by on 23 October 2017

There comes a time in every little Snoozer’s life when they are ready to make the ‘big move’. We’re talking about that transition from their cot, the only sleeping place they’ve ever known (yeah right - except for your bed, or the car, or quite frankly anywhere else) to a bed. A big kids bed. For most it’s an exciting time, for many it’s an emotional time, for all of us though it’s a milestone and one worth some thought and consideration. Although it can be a time of celebration, it’s important .....

Celebrating our mums

Celebrating our mums

Posted by on 16 October 2017

One of the many fortunate things about being in the business of beds and bedroom style is getting to work with some extraordinary stylists and decorators. And some of these people happen to be extraordinary mums who have shared some of their tips on kids bedrooms, styling their own rooms and motherhood in general. We reflect on some style and life advice from some of our favourite mum/stylists. Melissa Tonkin and her family moved to the country to build their dream home, swapping busy city lif .....

Even small bedrooms can be grand!

Even small bedrooms can be grand!

Posted by on 16 October 2017

If you love the idea of having a grand bedroom but have a smallish room, don’t worry, you can still go grand! With these 5 tips, you can turn your small bedroom into the grandest bedroom in the house. 1. Think big If you have a small bedroom don’t settle for small furniture. Think big with a high bed and a tall headboard. Your room will instantly grow and become grander! And make sure you have a bed with storage as you don’t want any other furniture in a small room, except, perhaps, for a tall .....

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